We make awesome websites & mobile apps

ACEX DEV studios

Let`s build digital solutions tailored to your customers

More sales and happier customers

Built with behavioral psychology in mind

AI-driven personalized user experience

Designed to increase revenue

Increased loyalty and customer satisfaction

Gamified user experiences to engage

AI-driven & Gamified

°Loyalty App

Reach your customers anytime, without the need to run ads.

«They are always logged in, and you gain data and insights from every touchpoint. It enables us to tailor a highly relevant Customer Experience for each customer»

Maximize the value of each customer!

Gamified User Experience = High engagement

AI algorithms providing highly personalized and relevant experiences

Exclusivity, rewards and benefits - Creates a feeling of belonging

Cost-efficient communication - Reach your customers anytime, on the device they always have on them

Why app?

Put some of the customer experience in an app. This way you can engage and nudge your customers, and communicate directly on the customer´s No.1 screen.

Users stay logged in - fast and easy access

Notifications to activate customers

Better customer data

Loyalty building features

The Process

A Digital Concept

The Idea & the Strategy

This is the solution proposal

→  What to do, why & how to do it – step by step


Based on Behavioral science and persuasive psychology



+ UX Design & Architecture

Made to work

The visual product + UX logic

→  Full mobile app or website design



+ Development

Built to work

iOS Development

Android Development

Web Development


→  Full mobile app or website development



+ Launch

Tailored for your customers


Go-to-market Strategic Implementation

  • Reach
  • Userbase Growth
  • Experiments & A/B testing



We can guide you through the entire process, from concept to launch, or we can assist you with specific parts of the process in cases where you have other partners or handle certain aspects in-house.

ACEX Contributing Partner

Andrey Volobuev, CTO

How to get started!

First of all, we must know what to build.

Have you got a brief? If not, let`s find out what you need. What are we trying to achieve? What is the purpose of what we are building? What should it do, and for whom?


Claim your free workshop where we identify what digital solutions to build

Free workshop

Claim your free workshop to plan and strategize your new app or website – tailored to your business


ACEX AI GrowthLab

Org.nr. 933 356 264 MVA


© 2024  ACEX AI AS